Morning Prayer via zoom
There is a prayer time online every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8.45 - 9 am. Sometimes, we will be using the Morning Prayer from the Methodist Worship Book, sometimes, we will be using the prayers in the Methodist Prayer Handbook, sometimes we will be having a time of more open, informal prayer. Please contact us for the zoom link.
Prayer Wheels
We are again running Prayer Wheels which involve a telephone wheel of conversations running round the Circuit! Each person who takes part receives a phone call each day and learns of that day's prayer topics. They then make a phone call themselves to a different person and pass the message on. Of course each person also prays for what has been suggested. There is no need, or obligation, to pray on the telephone but, of course, some people may like to. Contact Deacon Jen if you would like to take part.
60 at 6
On Facebook each evening at 6 o'clock, a candle will be lit. The flame will stay alight for 60 seconds to enable viewers to pray for people or situations of which they are aware. Christian names, or initials, or topics can be added in the comments. This initiative is from an idea by Rev Kate Bottley and we offer it as part of the District initiative 'January Light'.